Discover RentChceck

ITRA Polska, a consulting firm specializing in representing tenants of commercial buildings, has launched a new service. RentCheck is an opportunity for a no-obligation verification of a workspace lease agreement at any time during its term. The service includes an analysis of four areas: operating costs, technical solutions available in the building, legal aspects of the contract, as well as an analysis of the working environment strategy.

RentCheck is the first professional service in Poland that gives clients the opportunity to obtain an objective and unbiased assessment of their current lease agreement, e.g. before starting the process of renegotiating or searching for a new office, as well as before entering into a possible cooperation with a selected consulting company.

As part of RentCheck, after determining the main parameters of the office used by a given company and verifying the needs for the coming years, ITRA experts will provide a free analysis of the most relevant provisions of the contract and tips to help optimize it, generating measurable savings.

– During discussions with potential clients, we repeatedly encounter situations in which they do not have sufficient expertise to objectively assess whether their lease is optimal. In the current situation, especially in the most challenging markets and in the context of evolving work models, companies need support when analyzing possible scenarios related to relocating or staying in the current location. With the introduction of RentCheck, we focus on expert assistance and building long-term relationships with clients. Having observed the development of the market for more than two decades, I am convinced that this is a needed service, created on the basis of real challenges faced by users of commercial space today – says Artur Sutor, CEO of ITRA Poland.

The RentCheck service is free of charge. The condition to use it is to fill out a short form on the dedicated website

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ITRA Polska is part of ITRA Global, one of the largest organisations that bring together professional representatives of tenants and occupiers of office, industrial and retail buildings. ITRA Global operates in more than 300 locations worldwide, and its services are based on long experience of objective and impartial experts who support clients in the process of property lease.

Media contact:Aleksandra Bilewicz, [email protected], +48 503 048 863