Check it out!

Are you wondering if your current lease terms are favourable to you?
Are you looking for savings or planning to renegotiate the terms so that your office better suits your company’s needs?

Use RentCheck, free advice from our experts!

Don’t wait for your current lease to expire — act today!


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    What is RentCheck?

    RentCheck is a proposal for companies that wish to review the terms of their office lease at any time of its duration. The service is free of charge and includes preliminary analysis in as many as four areas:


    operating expenditures


    technological solutions


    workplace strategy


    legal aspects of the lease agreement

    Discover the benefits of RentCheck

    RentCheck is the first service of its kind in the office market that enables you to objectively and impartially review your decisions. Our expertise will give you the confidence that your lease suits your company’s needs or requires changes.

    Free lease analysis and recommendations
    from an expert

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    advice and recommendations from a professional advisor


    a comprehensive verification of your current and future needs


    guidance on how to generate savings


    the time to consider changing or optimising your next lease