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Łukasz Chudziak, ITRA_1

Łukasz Chudziak has joined the ITRA Polska team as a Senior Associate to support the office tenant representation department, which operates in Warsaw and the largest cities in Poland.

Łukasz Chudziak od początku drogi zawodowej związany jest z rynkiem nieruchomości. Doświadczenia zdobywał w firmie doradczej Colliers Poland na stanowisku Senior Associate oraz podczas pracy dla dewelopera White Star. Ukończył kursy podyplomowe z zakresu pośrednictwa w sektorze nieruchomości na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim, a także urbanistyki i planowania przestrzennego na Politechnice Warszawskiej.

Łukasz Chudziak has been involved in the real estate market since the beginning of his career. He gained experience, among others, in the consulting company Colliers Poland as a Senior Associate and working for the White Star. He completed postgraduate courses in real estate brokerage at the University of Warsaw, as well as urban planning and spatial planning at the Warsaw University of Technology.

Rozbudowa zespołu o doświadczonych ekspertów to nieodłączny element naszej strategii na najbliższe lata. Planujemy prężny rozwój firmy w największych polskich miastach, a do tego potrzebujemy doradców, którzy tak jak Łukasz bardzo dobrze rozumieją wyzwania rynku biurowego i potrafią im sprostać, stawiając na pierwszym miejscu dobro klienta – mówi Martyna Balcer, COO, Associate Director w ITRA Polska.

– Expanding the team with experienced experts is an integral part of our strategy for the coming years. We plan a thriving development of the company in the largest Polish cities, and for this we need advisors who, like Łukasz, understand the challenges of the office market very well and are able to meet them, putting the welfare of the client first – says Martyna Balcer, COO, Associate Director at ITRA Poland.

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ITRA Polska is part of ITRA Global, one of the largest organisations that bring together professional representatives of tenants and occupiers of office, industrial and retail buildings. ITRA Global operates in more than 300 locations worldwide, and its services are based on long experience of objective and impartial experts who support clients in the process of property lease.

Media contact:Aleksandra Bilewicz, [email protected], +48 503 048 863